How the Sun Affects Your Skin
The summer means warm weather and time outdoors. But overexposure to the sun’s harmful rays can cause a variety of skin issues. Do you know how the sun can affect your skin?
No tan is a healthy tan, because any change in your skin’s color is a sign of damage. Sunburns and suntans not only cause your skin to feel dehydrated, they can also lead to inflammation, rashes, blisters and scarring. lead to worse issues like inflammation, rashes and blisters.
To much sun exposure accelerates aging and enhances the look of fine lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet, dark spots and changes in skin texture.
Yes, your eyes can be damaged too! Too much sun can burn your corneas, blur your vision and lead to cataracts.
If left untreated, skin cancer can spread to other parts of your body.
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