Why You Shouldn't Delay Care
With the fear and anxiety that can surround COVID-19, many are worried about seeing their doctor face-to-face and some have even made the very risky decision to put off urgent medical care and treatment. However, it’s important for patients to understand that if they need emergency care and treatment, they should never wait.
Since COVID-19 became a concern in our region, CaroMont Health has worked to ensure all doctor’s office, urgent and emergency centers, and all areas of CaroMont Regional Medical Center are safe for patients to receive care. Here are some of the specific restrictions and recommendations we have in place to help ensure we prevent the spread of COVID-19 and keep you safe during your appointment, procedure or hospital stay.
Visitor Restrictions – all facilities in the CaroMont Health system have limited visitors to only those essential for the care and safety of patients.
Health and Temperature Screening – all CaroMont Health employees, visitors and patients are screened for signs and symptoms of COVID-19, including temperature, before entering any facility.
Protective Masks and Face Coverings – all CaroMont Health employees are required to wear masks and all patients and visitors are strongly encouraged to wear masks or face coverings for the duration of the time inside CaroMont Health facilities.
Still, many may be concerned about possible exposure to the coronavirus. While these worries are normal, they are not a reason to delay medical care. Our team is fully equipped to treat you safely and help you avoid more serious complications.
Here are some signs and symptoms that should not be ignored:
Heart Attack
Chest Pain
Difficulty breathing
Discomfort in your chest, arms, back, neck, shoulder or jaw
Numbness, weakness or loss of movement in your face, arm or leg, especially on one side
Confusion and trouble speaking
Loss of coordination or balance
In cases where a heart attack or stroke is suspected, call 911 immediately. As always, we are working with our emergency medical services partners to ensure you are cared for and protected from coronavirus during transport to the hospital.
Still have questions about care and where to get it, use our guide to help make the right call and get your family the care they need.